The following is some information about wills and foreign bank accounts that should not be misconstrued as financial advice, since I am not a certified financial planner, accountant, or attorney. Discussions regarding the information presented should be directed towards a qualified attorney or accountant in …
What sort of Asset Management Principles should physicians consider?
Asset Management for Professionals I’m going to share some information about asset evaluation and management in this and upcoming posts. Information that I share should not be misconstrued as financial advice, since I am not a certified financial planner, accountant, or attorney. My goal …
Is Silver The Investment to Make?
Silver vs. Paper Money Before we talk about silver, let’s discuss one of the problems with paper money as an investment. The inherent problem with paper money is that there is too much of it. How has this happened? Well, one of the ways has …
Money Management: Do you need it?
Image: Financial Pic Money Management in Trading The stock market is nothing more than a high-maintenance, well-oiled, but unpredictable machine. Thus, it should be treated like a machine. Stock trading needs to be done in a routine, systematic manner. Make a plan for …
Taxes, what a mess!
Taxes are most likely to change Taxes are on the minds of every politician in Washington these days. In something to think about, I talked about the changes in the tax brackets that can happen if no new laws are created before the end …
A valuable way of investing
The wrong way of investing Investing in risky vehicles about which you have minimal knowledge is a pathway to losses. My story may be familiar to some. In the early 90s, I was introduced to commodities investing by a popular investor in the commodities …
Can you achieve financial success?!
My early financial experience When I think of the early periods of my career and my financial management at these stages, it seems that I do not recall having asked myself a rather fundamental question. The question was should I be a penny pincher or a free …
Time to prepare your tax finances!
Taxes are gonna change Taxes are now looking to get worse. Okay, so Obama won. This now means that your taxes in your financial situation are likely to change significantly in January whether or not any new legislation gets passed between now and the end of this …
This budget tip should hit home big
Back to the monthly budget tips we go. It goes without saying that one of the high cost monthly items in your budget is the restaurant bill. I love eating out, and so does my wife. It has been a difficult area to try to control …
Why mutual funds are bad
Mutual fund investing used to be the best way for someone just starting out to invest money in the stock market. Like I mentioned in a previous article, my initial stock market investing was in mutual funds, and this was a time when the number …
Paper can make you wealthy!
I’m going to start out a new set of articles about investing in paper. No, I’m not talking about the stuff you write on. Nope, this is about paper certificates of company stock that are traded in the stock market. This is certainly the type …
How to Approach Gold
Since I’m sure that most of you have been inundated with the commercials about gold and silver and whether or not to buy such assets, I’d rather not discuss this topic as if I am trying to commercialize this concept. Rather, I would like to …